A Unique Way of Listing (And It Pays Off)

monkI’m preparing to update the Jazz Collector Price Guide so I’m going through my watch list and catching up on some items I may have missed, starting with: The Unique Thelonious Monk, Riverside 209. This was described as an original white label pressing in VG+ condition for the record and VG+ for the cover. The listing was quite weird in that there were no pictures of the actual record or cover. Instead, there was a canned picture that looked as if it came off the Internet. No harm, at least to the seller. This one wound up selling for $531. That’s the highest price we’ve ever seen for that record in the Jazz Collector Price Guide. Maybe it pays to not post pictures, huh?

Art Blakey, A Night at Birdland Volume 1, Blue Note 1521. This was an original Lexington Avenue pressing. The record was probably in VG+ condition and the cover was M-. This one sold for  $510.

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A Few More For the Jazz Collector Price Guide

flanaganHere’s some more jazz vinyl from the watch list, then we will attempt to put some of these into the Jazz Collector Price Guide.

Is this yet another copy of Tommy Flanagan Overseas, Prestige 7134 from Atomic Records? Someone mentioned that they had seen feedback on the previous listing, so the assumption that this is a second copy. Hard to believe. It took me 42 years to find one copy, and they end up with two. This one was in M- condition for the record and VG++ for the cover. It sold for $2,850.

John Jenkins with Kenny Burrell, Blue Note 1573. This looked to be an original West 63rd Street deep groove pressing. The record was in VG+ condition and so was the cover. The price was $676.66.

Jackie McLean, A Fickle Sonance, Blue Note 4089. This was an original mono  pressing in M- condition for both the record and the cover. It sold for $338.

This one did not sell and has been relisted:

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Breaking the Bank

cool struttin'Back to the insanity. There were a lot of comments on this record on the previous post, but let’s just put it in here for the record, slight pun intended: Hank Mobley, Blue Note 1568. This was the one that had the New York 23 on one side, satisfying the most precise collectors of original pressings. There was definitely debate over the condition, but it seemed like the cover was at least VG++ and the vinyl was probably VG++, although not everyone would agree with that. Where everyone would agree, I presume, is that this one fetched quite a high price: $5,223.45. That’s not the highest price we’ve ever seen for this, or any other record, but it’s right up there in the Jazz Collector Price Guide.

As staggering as I find the Mobley, this one, to me, is even more telling of the state of jazz collecting in this era of eBay: Sonny Clark, Cool Struttin’, Blue Note 1588. As I noted previously, Read more

Soundin’ Off On Some Jazz Vinyl

Dizzy ReeceI had a couple of hours to kill the other night and I spent them both on eBay, just perusing through the listings and looking for interesting stuff. I pretty much filled my watch list. Here are some of the items that caught my eye:

Dizzy Reece, Soundin’ Off, Blue Note 4033. This one looked quite promising with original shrink wrap. The record was in Ex or Ex+ condition and the cover VG+. But on close inspection, there were no deep grooves and no mention of an ear in the deadwax, so that probably wasn’t there either. Still, the record sold for $166.50. Would you think this was a Liberty issue with old labels, or would it be pre-Liberty? Is there any real way of knowing? It so happens there is a second copy of Soundin’ Off that looks to be an original pressing, ears and all. This one is in VG+ condition for the record and the cover and is currently priced at about $120 with well more than two days left on the auction.

This listing struck me because it seems pretty clear that the seller did not use a picture of the actual record cover and showed no pictures at all of the labels or vinyl:

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Sanity and Insanity, Redux

Cliff JordanOh, now I see why there was so much discussion on my previous post about Lee Morgan, City Lights, Blue Note 1575. It sold for $1,525. That’s the highest price we’ve seen for this record in the Jazz Collector Price Guide. I had estimated the value of my copy at $1,000. Perhaps I need to make an adjustment.

This one also ended up in the stratosphere: Cliff Jordan, Cliff Craft, Blue Note 1582. This was an original West 63rd Street pressing in M- condition for the record and VG+ for the cover. It sold for $1,510.

I’ve been thinking a little bit about some of the judgments we (or I) have been making about some of the prices being paid for non-original pressings or for prices that seem to defy normal expectations. People can pay whatever they want for these records and, in the end, who’s to say that they won’t get tremendous enjoyment and satisfaction out of a United Artists Jutta Hipp Blue Note or an original Kind of Blue with a ringwear-pocked cover. And maybe even these records will turn out to be a good investment years from now and we’ll all look back and regret not loading up on later Blue Note pressings.

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Spreading the Insanity

miles DavisSo here it is — now we have sellers ripping off bobdjukic to make their auctions look like his and, apparently, to try to weave the same brand of black magic that apparently results in insane prices. And perhaps it works. Take a look at this auction: Miles Davis, Kind of Blue, Columbia 1355. It’s not exactly laid out like one of the bobdjukic auctions, but it’s clearly evocative. And the listing starts with the oh-so-familiar phrase “INSANELY RARE” in all caps, of course. This must be the most widely circulated insanely rare record of all time. The record is graded at near mint minus, whatever that means, and the cover is graded at VG+, which seems highly generous given the obvious ring wear on the front cover and the big signature of a previous owner on the back. But despite whatever flaws we may see in the record and/or the listing, it seems to have that black magic sheen to it and the bidding has already surpassed $260. We didn’t think insanity was a contagious condition, but perhaps we were wrong.

Blue Notes, Real and Surreal

hank mobleyHere are a couple of jazz vinyl listings sent to us by loyal readers for your perusal.

CeeDee sent this one: Jutta Hipp With Zoot Sims, Blue Note 1530. This was in M- condition for the record and probably VG++ for the cover. It sold for $371. Not bad, right? Except this is a UNITED ARTISTS pressing. I know we’ve commented on some of these before, but this is really surprising, isn’t it? I had the United Artists pressing and the cover was pretty flimsy and the record sounded fine, but nothing special. I think I sold mine for $20, and was happy to get that. Ah well.

Michael send us a heads-up on this one, under the subject “this should be a doozy:” Hank Mobley, Blue Note 1568. This is the original original pressing, with the New York 23 on one side and the West 63rd on the other. The record looks to be in VG++ condition, based on the seller’s description, and the cover is probably close to M-. There are more than eight days left on this auction and the bidding is already in the $2,400 range. Certainly one to watch.

From The Jazz Collector Newsroom

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailHere are some news items that have come into my mailbox that may be of interest to loyal readers of Jazz Collector.

You know those cool, inexpensive record shelves produced by Ikea, the Expedit line? Well, if you want any, you better stock up now. They are discontinued, which apparently has caused something of a brouhaha among record collectors. A spokesman for the company says there is a new line in place to replace Expedit, called Kallax. For its part, Ikea is stating that it is updating and improving the Expedit line, but record collectors don’t seem appeased, judging by the outcry. I took a look at the Kallax line, here, and, frankly, I don’t see what the fuss is about. I own one large Expedit unit and if I had to replace it with a Kallax I think I would survive.

There’s a lot of Blue Note activity going on. The company is launching what it calls a 75th Anniversary Vinyl Initiative by which it is

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A Prestige-eous Day

MantecaLet’s start the day with a couple of Prestige records we are watching on eBay, starting with Red Garland, Manteca, Prestige 7139. This is an original pressing with the New York address. When I started collecting, this record was fairly common, but most often with the New Jersey address. You don’t see that many with the New York address perhaps because it was at the end of the New York cycle. The latest number I’ve seen with a New York Address is Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, The Cookbook, Prestige 7141. I’ve never seen a New York Soultrane, which is Prestige 7142. This copy of Manteca is in VG+ condition for the record and VG+ for the cover. The price is in the $160 range.

Art Farmer Quintet Featuring Gigi Gryce, Prestige 7017. This is an original pressing with the yellow label and New York address. The record is listed in M- condition and the cover is Ex. The bidding is now in the $200 range and there’s a bit more than a day left on the auction, as I type this. This is a terrific record, so I would expect the bidding to rise as the auction gets closer to the end.

Here’s a great Prestige record that did not sell:

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In the Eye of the Beholder

juttaHere’s some more jazz vinyl on our eBay watch list, starting with: Jutta Hipp at the Hickory House Volume 1, Blue Note 1515. This is an original Lexington Avenue pressing in VG condition for the record and VG+ for the cover. The bidding is in the $335 range and the auction closes in about 12 hours. These records are so hard to find in any condition, that VG and playable still commands quite a high price. I recall buying my copy of this record at one of the record shows on Long Island, probably 20 or 25 years ago. The seller had price tag of $50 on the record, which seemed like a very high price in those days. I had never seen the record before and I bought it. It was in M- condition for the record and VG+ or so for the cover. I was walking around carrying the record when I ran into my old buddy Red Carraro. He had been to the show well before me and had seen the record and passed on it. He sees me with the record and says “Lit, always hustlin’, huh? Fifty bucks for that record. That’s a lot of money.” I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it? And, fortunately for me, I was the one beholdin’ that record. And I still beholdin’ it, right here on my shelves.

This is another one, closing as I type this, where condition is an issue:

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