Sonny Live and Well: Better Late Than Never

We’re doing some housekeeping here at Jazz Collector and in cleaning out email we discovered some interesting items that our friend Don-Lucky sent to us all the way back in December. Don-Lucky drove down from Canada to see Sonny Rollins in Tarrytown and what follows are some souvenirs from his trip, which he graciously shared with us and which we in inadvertently put into a hold file and ignored for lo these many months. This first item is a New York pressing, by the way:

Next up are some photos that are a bit more current:

Finally, and perhaps best of all, here is a short clip of Sonny doing a little Tenor Madness:

Sonny Rollins Video

Don-Lucky — thank you for sharing and apologies for not getting this posted in a more timely manner.

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One comment

  • Thanks for sharing that one Al !
    I am the first to admit, I am a shameless trophy hunter when it comes to my Jazz Idols… Collecting the original pressings is just the beginning ! The live experience is where it’s at, and this was really one of those can’t miss show’s in which they had a meet & greet with Sonny afterwards in support of the Clearwater foundation. (By the way, I have to give credit to Al for tipping us off about this particular show in a posting on Jazz Collector back in September…) Despite the distance, I just couldn’t pass up the chance to meet Sonny. He has the stage energy of a guy 1/4 of his age, and he just kept the momentum going throughout his nearly two hour set, including two encores !
    He is a really class act, and one hell of a great guy in person. Even after an exhausting performance, he was extremely generous with his time. He even greeted a bunch of little kids who had been waiting over an hour at the stage door after the show !
    A heads up for anyone looking to take a Jazz Vacation this summer, Sonny Rollins will be performing at the Montreal Jazz Festival on Sunday, June 27, 2010 7:30 PM ! (The pre-sales have already begun people !!!)

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