A Mobley Day at Jazz Collector

Here are some updates on some of the items we’ve been watching on eBay.

Those Mobley’s from the seller bullsite2000 did all right, particularly if you were bullsite2000. There was Hank Mobley With Donald Byrd and Lee Morgan, Blue Note 1540. This was an original Lexington Avenue flat edge pressing and it looked to be in beautiful condition. In fact, if you have a second you should click on the link and look at the pictures posted with the listing: They are absolutely pristine, looking as if they could have come out of the Blue Note catalogue in 1957. Anyway, it sold for  $2,382, which is quite a bit more than it would have sold for in 1957 and quite a bit more than what Mobley got paid to actually record the session, right? This one also made it into the $1,000 bin: Hank Mobley, Soul Station, Blue Note 4031. This was also

an original pressing and the condition was also pristine. The seller even mentioned a “wearless spindle hole,” which is an expression we haven’t seen before. This one sold for $1,237. Here’s one from a different seller, Mobley as a sideman and not a leader: Introducing Lee Morgan, Savoy 12091. This was an original red label pressing and it looked to be in either VG+ or perhaps VG++ condition, hard to be sure from the seller’s description. It sold for $385.

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