Another $1,000 Record, in Waiting

Yesterday we referenced a bunch of records that recently broke the $1,000 price barrier. Here’s one that WILL break the barrier in a few days: Lee Morgan, Candy, Blue Note 1590. This is an original pressing that is in M-/M- condition. It’s listed as a featured item on eBay, which means that everyone searching for jazz LPs will see it, not just those of you who are, ahem, wise enough to read Jazz Collector. We’ll keep an eye on this record for you, as well as a few others, although our posting might be limited the next few days with the Thanksgiving holiday coming up in the U.S. The highest price we’ve recorded in the Jazz Collector Price Guide for Candy in the past was $1,302, but that was a few years ago and we’re betting that this one will surpass it. What do you think?

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