Another For the $1,000 Bin

We haven’t been watching eBay as closely since we bought the collection in Trenton recently. We’ve been spending a lot of time washing and cleaning records. Fortunately, the results of our efforts are starting to bear fruit and a couple of the items from the collection finally made their way to eBay yesterday, including Paul Chambers, Whims of Chambers, Blue Note 1534,  and Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers a the Cafe Bohemia, Volume 1, Blue Note 1507.  We did, however, take note of another item that recently surpassed the $1,000 price barrier, and that is: Bent Axen, Poll Winner 59. This was an original Danish pressing, Fona Klubben 416. The seller said that this label was kind of notorious for bad pressings and bubbles in the pressings, but this was listed as a perfect copy of the record as well as the cover. The price was $1,540.

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