Blue Notes, 78s and Idiocy: Happy Friday

This record, like a lot of later Blue Note pressings, has increased quite a bit in value the past few years: Bobby Hutchinson, Happenings, Blue Note 4231. This was an original pressing with the New York USA label and it was in its original shrink wrap, which seems to have some appeal to collectors, although I’m not sure why. Perhaps because of the added protection for a record that is probably 50 years old? Anyway, this one was probably in M- condition for the record and maybe VG++ for the cover and sold for $299.99. Not one of my favorite Blue Note covers. I typically like the covers that feature the artists.

Here’s a rare Blue Note that did not sell:

Lee Morgan, Candy, Blue Note 1590. This was an original West 63rd Street pressing. The record was listed in M- condition and the cover was listed as VG+/VG++, which I would take to mean a good VG+. There were nine bidders, 27 bids and a top bid of $1,325. But, alas, it did not meet the seller’s reserve price.

Here’s a lot of records I was seriously considering: Over 900 78-RPM Records. I’ve been spending a lot of time up in the country and I’ve just reorganized my records (again) and have good access to my 78s and a good Califone player. So I’ve been listening a lot to 78s, which is great. I’ve got one on in the background right now, Count Basie, Shorty George, with Lester Young. It doesn’t get much better. Anyway, this listing caught my eye at $400 and it’s about an hour and a half or two hour drive for me, which is no big deal when it comes to records. And I now have a Subaru wagon, so I wouldn’t have to borrow a car. What saved me from bidding on this lot was sheer forgetfulness: I didn’t check eBay for a couple of days and, voila, the auction was completed and the winning bid was $504.99. Would I have won if I had bid. Not sure? I may have gone as high as $600, but, then again, maybe my forgetfulness was actually my subconscious saying, “idiot, you don’t need 900 more 78s – you’ve never even listened to half of the ones that you have.” And, the real me would have answered: “It’s not the listening, it’s the possessing. You should know that by now, you idiot.” Either way, I’m the idiot, aren’t I?

Speaking of idiocy, I’m on way way now to Hudson New York to visit a record store wherein the owner promised that he had some good stuff stashed away and would take them out for me to peruse the next time I was in town, which will be in about an hour and a half. Wish me luck.

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  • Hey Al. Though I’m miles away, I have some insight on your post: “idiot, you don’t need 900 more 78s – you’ve never even listened to half of the ones that you have.” The universe shined on you in this auction. Of course, this opens up another question for me for future discussion. How many feet of records do you allow yourself in your collection? I only allow myself 9 feet of records. Can I still be a serious collector?

  • I’d be interested to hear about your experience in Hudson. I live in Woodstock, so I’m pretty familiar with all the Hudson Valley of New York State has to offer vinyl-wise. There’s only one store I would think it could be, and that doesn’t bode particularly well. But hey, I could be wrong.

  • Daryl: No, a serious collector would allow 10 feet of records. 🙂

  • Ten feet and one inch is, I believe, the serious collector standard.

  • What happened to my posting?

  • Update — the guy in Hudson forgot to bring the records to the store. He also said it wasn’t going to be that much, maybe a few Abbey Lincoln records on Riverside and a couple of others, so a big score is not in store one way or another.

  • Al, maybe you also have noticed (or other readers) is that the homepage seems to have some kind of “cache-problem” to reload new content. Usually the reader does not have to do anything more that just visit to see new content. And a a simple F5 does not help either. Now I have to do do a ctrl+F5 (empty local browser cache) to get the new updated content. I have no idea what is causing this but obviously it does not work as before.

  • The score that was not meant to be gives you time to listen to a few more 78s!

  • Shaft. thank you for the notice. I have experienced the same thing. I thought it was me. ctrl=F5 has fixed it. Al – I hope you can fix this on your end.

  • Yeah, also noticed it’s not updating right on mobile, or at least my mobile; the post from January 11th is the most recent one I can see on there.

  • 900 JAZZ 78s would be quite a find, but most such offers include a lot of pop stuff, like Glenn miller, TD with Sinatra, Jimmy Dorsey hit records, etc.

    Off topic: Many LP dealers and buyers incorrectly refer to an LP album as a “sleeve.” Parts of an LP album include the outer jacket, the inner sleeve, the record, and maybe some “paper,” such as a promo piece. The term “album” comes from the 78 days and refers to a multi-disc book album with liners (pages) that hold the records. It was called an “album” because it was styled after the predecessor photo album. IMO, to call a CD an “album” is incorrect. Collectors like myself refer to a CD, loose or packaged in a plastic so-called “jewel” case, as a CD.

  • where’s my posting?

  • Please post my comment.

  • Geez Geoffrey, relax, the site is obviously on the fritz, I’m sure Al is looking into it.

  • New to posting but have read for several years.
    2 questions…i have a Philo P1000 recorded July 1942.. Lester Young Trio (w COLE AND CALLENDER)…Body and Soul and Indiana. This is in NM condition even as an acetate. I can find little info…can anyone tell me if this is a rarity…or can i even ask…
    #2 I also have what appears to be a test pressing, white typed label and underneath, 3 additional ring holds. CHARLIE PARKER 3/12/1949 Slow Boat to China AND the other side CHARLIE PARKER 8/17/1950 Round About Midnight. Again it is in good condition. Is there ever any market interest in something lime this? I am not knowledgable enough to know much about this very heavy 12″ 78 except the rings are for additional recordings. Sorry for the long question..

  • Sorry one and all for being impatient.

  • I love 78s, honestly, hearing the Basie band or Goodman, Armstrong, Diz etc on 78s is a wonderful thing, but for me nothing compared to the really old stuff, original dixieland jazz band, early Ted Lewis, new orleans rhythm kings etc. Al, if you don’t have stuff like that on 78s yet, get a few and a victrola, you won’t believe it.
    I’m in the uk and have a lenco gl75 for most of my 78 listening but also several wind-up machines.
    You totally need 900 more 78s as long as they’re good ones!
    re: Philo P1000 that’s a heck of a find!

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