Blue Notes, Prestige, Vinyl, eBay

Here’s some jazz vinyl I ‘ve been watching on eBay this week:

Phil Woods, Gene Quill, et al, Prestige 7116. This was an original New York yellow label pressing. The record was in VG+ condition and the cover was VG. It sold for $157.50, pretty reasonable for an original Prestige, although the condition was lacking. A Blue Note of the same era in the same condition would have probably fetched double the price.

The Magnificent Thad Jones, Blue Note 1527. This was an original Lexington Avenue pressing. The record was listed in VG or VG+ condition, which usually means VG. The cover was listed in VG++ shape, but there were taped repairs, which makes it more like VG+ to me. This one sold for $373.88.

Hank Mobley and His All Stars, Blue Note 1544. This is the first of the non-Lexington Avenue 1500 Blue Notes that was originally issued with the West 63red address. The record was VG++, the cover was VG, the price was $1,259.56, more than 10 times that of the Woods Prestige.

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