For the $1,000 Bin: Griffin, JJ, Hubbard

It’s been a while since we’ve updated the $1,000, and there are, as expected, a few new entries. Here goes:

Introducing Johnny Griffin, Blue Note 1533. This was an original Lexington Avenue pressing and it was listed in M-, pristine condition. The price: $2,651.01.

Also from the same seller were these: The Eminent Jay Jay Johnson, Volume 1, Blue Note 1505. This was also an original Lexington Avenue pressing and it was also in pristine condition. It sold for $1,507, which is way more than we’ve ever recorded in the Jazz Collector Price Guide. In fact, our previous high price for any JJ Johnson record was less than $400. There there was: The Eminent Jay Jay Johnson Volume 2, Blue Note 1506. This was

also a Lexington Avenue original, also in pristine condition. It sold for the same price: $1,507.

Here’s yet another Blue Note: Freddie Hubbard, Open Sesame, Blue Note 4040. This was an original West 63rd Street pressing with the deep grooves. The vinyl was in M- condition and the cover was listed as VG++. The price was $1,220.

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  • I guess this explains to me why the burrell record I was watching went for more when it was relisted. It looks like there were a few Bank of America executives bidding.
    Al if you put up the link to the jay jay johnson volume 1, you’ll see that one had a 43 west 61st cover on it. I told myself I would be willing to spend 125 on that one.

  • I have two Lexington Avenue pressings of the JJ records. Both records are M-, both covers are VG+, very nice. I’d sell each for $1,000 right now. If anyone is interested, feel free to send me an email. Seriously.

  • …I am still in shock that people would pay these kinds of prices and still have a roof over their heads ! (Those Wall Street bonuses must have been bigger than they let on !)

    Honestly, most collectors out there can find a half-decent copy of these original pressings at a reasonable price if they are patient… I picked up an original press of The Eminent JJ -Vol.1 in +VG condition for around $85 back in January. Although this may have been an isolated incident as I was probably the only serious bidder at the time. Never-the-less, you guys know as well as I do it’s a numbers game out there, and luck was certainly a lady that afternoon !

  • Ahhhh the joy’s of buying records on ebay… Remember that “bargain” Eminent J.J.- Vol.1 LP I picked up for +$85 back in January ? Well, it just arrived today, and guess what Al, you were right !

    The LP was not a DG as posted… To make matters worse, it wasn’t even a Lexington on both sides of the LP !!! Side two was a Blue Note Records – 47 West 63rd New York 23 ! …On a positive note, the record itself is a nice heavy vinyl, great condition and the LP cover was a Lexington. Who knows, maybe it will come in handy someday. Ya’ win some, ya’ loose some right.

    …Al, that $1000 copy of yours is starting to look pretty good right about now !

  • Hi there,
    anyone knows sth about the JJ-Vol2 1506, w/ Lexington adress on both vinyl sides (no dg!), 43W, 61st cover, no R?

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