Jazz Vinyl Alerts From The Field

Let’s turn things over to a couple of readers for today’s post, starting with Andy, who sent the following:

“Hi Al, hope all is well. I’ve been doing some shopping over on Yahoo! Japan Auctions and found a couple interesting pieces I thought I’d share. First off is a sold listing: J.R. Monterose’s self-titled on Blue Note. According to the seller it only had the RVG and ear on side two. If I had to guess I’d assume it would be a later pressing because of this. It still fetched a nice sum though!
Then I noticed this copy of In Action. This is probably number one on my want list, but I can’t justify (or afford) the prices they command. I don’t think they’ll get what they’re asking, but you never know. It looks like the back cover might be autographed, but it’s not the best picture quality and they don’t have a picture of the writing itself.

Last one I found was this little lot of Blue Notes. The seller says it’s a mixture of Japanese and US pressings, and the label pictures support it. If it stays low enough I’d be tempted, but I’ve already got a large package coming from Japan and shouldn’t add any more to it! Just thought I’d give you a heads up since I don’t know if you use Buyee.”

This note came in from Kevin under the subject line “Miles davis test pressing.”

“Thought this would interest you and your readers. It’s not Ebay, but still pretty cool. https://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/105899518_miles-davis-carnegie-hall-test-pressing-so-what





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  • That J.R. Monterose has the hallmarks of an original pressing, ie. a frame cover and flat edge. The listing reads to me like it has RVG but only the ear on side 2.

    PS – Al, the link to In Action takes us to the J.R. Monterose auction.

  • Thanks, Aaron. Link should be fixed. Also, FYI, I’m aware that the Blue Note link is pretty useless in terms of providing information. Maybe someone out there can find a better one for that listing, if it exists.

  • Original 1st issues of 1536 (flat rim, frame cover, RVG etched, deep grooves, Lex address on lables and back slick) has the ”ear” or Plastylite ” P” only on side 2. It is not unusual for these early Blue Note pressings to miss the ”P” one one side.

  • Speaking of sales on that Japanese site. For Blue Note titles, there are number of sellers that do not disclose they are selling reissues, specially reissues from Japan From the Master Tapes, where the labels look just like the originals. There is one seller (not from Japan) on eBay who has been called out a few times to cancel his auctions for doing this.

  • Until last year I owned a very nice VG+ copy of In Action that I bought from a dealer in @ 2015 for $1200. A collector offered me $6K for it, and I sold it, allowing me to buy a ton of new LP: and some new equipment to boot. I have no regrets.

  • Al/anyone – having trouble with the “contact” submission form? It just spins and never completes.

  • I have a great library of old jazz records that isi in great shape for sale.

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