Jazz Vinyl Countdown: Ike Quebec, Blue Note

We were watching this record carefully on eBay: Ike Quebec, It Might As Well Be Spring, Blue Note 4105. It was an original pressing in M- condition, both the record and the cover. It sold for $276, which is about as high a price as we’ve seen for one of the Ike Quebec LPs on Blue Note. We figured perhaps it would be a good time to sell our copy as well. Turns out, we don’t have a copy. We have three other Ike Quebec Blue Notes: Blue And Sentimental, Blue Note 4098; Heavy Soul, Blue Note 4093; and Soul Samba, Blue Note 4114. Anyway, we figured we’d try one out and see if it will make the cut as we reduce our collection to 1,000 records. The one we chose is Heavy Soul, figuring this was the least likely to stay, since the rhythm section

features an organ instead of a piano. Anyway, we put the record on the turntable and it’s quite good. There’s some nice blues and a couple of nice ballads, including Nature Boy with just tenor and bass. Good record and an original Blue Note, but it won’t make the top 1,000. So to eBay it heads, perhaps as soon as this week.

One other thing: We do have quite a nice, interesting Ike Quebec collectible, which is this: Ike Quebec Tenor Sax, Blue Note  Album 102. This is a three-volume boxed set of 78s, very nice, in nice condition, and look at that great cover. Will this survive the purging of the collection? That remains to be seen.

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  • nice.
    not as nice as the Debut pressing of Eric Dolphy in Europe thats on eBay at the moment 😛

  • Yes, there’s quite a lot of nice stuff on ebay at the moment. Take a look at the list of items on the post I just put up.

  • je possede les trois volumes de ike Quebec tenor sax en parfait Ă©tat y compris la pochete. Si cela vous intĂ©resse, faire une offre supĂ©rieure a 200€. modalitĂ©s de livraison a convenir.

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