Leo Parker LP — And The Winner Is . . .

It’s time to announce the winner of the free record, Leo Parker, Rollin’ With Leo, Blue Note BST 84095. This is the 1986 release of this LP, which was the first time it was released with the cover art and catalog number that was originally intended by Blue Note in 1962. What’s more, this is a promo copy, with a promo stamp on the cover. The record is in VG+ condition and the cover is M-. The rules of the contest are simple: All you have to do is post a comment on the Jazz Collector site, anywhere on the site. Over the past two weeks, since we’ve been running the contest, we’ve had quite a bit of commenting on the site, but as I looked back, it’s not that many people. There are only six eligible to win the record. They are: Jason, Rudolf, Michel, Bethellodge, Mike M and Erich Schultz. And the winner is . . . . Bethellodge

Bethellodge, in order to claim the record, please send an email to al(at)jazzcollector.com with your mailing address. We pick up the cost of the postage, so the record is absolutely free, no strings attached — you can ask Jason, Rudolf and Michael Haensch, our previous winners. We do these give-always to encourage readers to comment on the site because we’re trying to build a sense of camaraderie and community. We’ll be announcing another give-away on Monday, so please make sure to stay tuned. 

Also, I noticed no one has yet posted an answer to our latest quiz. If no one answers by the end of the day, we’ll post the answer first thing tomorrow morning.

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  • Rudolf A. Flinterman

    congratulations Bethellodge. I can assure you: no strings attached. The record will be delivered smoothly, without bad surprises.
    Al, you are a man of extremes: from a simple question on Cannonball, you go back to, I guess, the transition years 48-52 between bop and cool. Who could Leonard have invited for his 1st blindfold test? I am just guessing, was not active at the time (too young), did no find anything in my library or on the internet.
    I am going for fellow Brit George Shearing.
    ciao, Rudolf

  • Hello, Rudolf. I’m glad this one is tougher. George Shearing was a good guess, but not the right answer. I’ll post a clue on the quiz post later if no one comes up with it.


    I was away for a couple of days…this is a nice surprise to come back to. LOVE the site even more now!

  • Yes, I was worried about you. It’s not like our readers to pass up a free record. I’m looking through my inventory to put up another one before the end of the week, so stay tuned.

  • It arrived and I’ve played twice already today…great! A nice change from the avant-gardist stuff I’ve been into lately.

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