Quickie Quiz
How many 10-inch LPs did Blue Note issue in its 5000 Series? Bonus: What was the first LP issued in this series?
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How many 10-inch LPs did Blue Note issue in its 5000 Series? Bonus: What was the first LP issued in this series?
How many ? 70
First ? 5001, Mellow the Mood, (various artists)
that is correct
Mellow the Mood is correct. Are you sure about the number 70? I think there might be a trick in there. — al
69 ?
70’s right.
We originally posted this question and answer a couple of years ago. Here is the correct answer that we published then:
There were 69 10-inch LPs issued in the Blue Note 5000 series. The first was Blue Note BLP 5001, Mellow the Mood – Jazz in a Mellow Mood with Charlie Christian, Ike Quebec, Benny Morton and John Hardee. The final LP in the series was Blue Note 5070, the Eminent Jay Jay Johnson, Volume 3.
The This would normally add up to 70 LPs, but the LP 5051 was never released. I will leave it to Larry Cohn, our resident Blue Note expert, to explain:
“The reason 5051 never came out is that it was Volume 3 in a French series of Gigi Gryce albums licensed from Vogue by Blue Note. Volume 2 was #5050 and was released in mid-1955. By the time Blue Note was ready to release the third volume, it had discontinued 10-inchers completely, switching over to 12-inch LPs beginning in November 1955 (the record stores no longer wanted to sell the ‘obsolete’ 10-inch disks).”
Larry — if you’re still reading Jazz Collector, please send us a note. — al