Updates: Overseas, Hipp & Zoot, Shades of Redd

The seller bluenipper had some nice items close yesterday, including:

Tommy Flanagan Overseas, Prestige 7134. This was an original New York pressing. The record was VG++ (or better) and the cover was M-. The price was $2,126.33. Our top for this in the Jazz Collector Price Guide is around $2,400, so this is certainly within the range.

Jutta Hipp With Zoot Sims, Blue Note 1530. This was an original Lexington Avenue pressing. The record was listed as VG++ and the cover as somewhere between VG+ and VG++. The price was $1311. The most recent copy we’ve seen of this in near mint condition sold for $3,343, but that was from Nautiluso, the Jazz Vinyl Fraud perpetrator, so we’re not sure how to count that. It’s legitimate in that the bidding got it to that price, but were there tricks that spiked

the bidding? For now, we’re going to keep it in the Price Guide, although I’m sure we’ll hear from readers who will suggest otherwise. Comments anyone?

I’d have loved this one, but I’m supposed to be shedding records rather than acquiring them. Still, I don’t have an original copy and it’s one of my favorites: Freddie Redd, Shades of Redd, Blue Note 4045. This was an original West 63rd Street pressing. The record and the cover were both listed in VG++ condition. The price was $854. This is one that will soon regularly be selling in the $1,000 bin, although it hasn’t quite gotten there yet.

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  • By the way, as I was posting this it struck me that the covers to the Flanagan and Hipp LPs are remarkably similar, right down to the shades of green. Coincidence?

  • that is true, “Over CCCCCCC.. is a design of Esmond Edwards, the Hipp LP is by Reid Miles. The black on green is somewhat harsher than the blue on green. But both are lovely indeed.
    Btw, my consideration to keep the “Locking Horns” was the presence of O. Pettiford. In fact, he is not on too many records and he is a giant. First time I saw him on stage was in Autumn 1958 with a pickup group named “Jazz from Carnegie Hall”, feat. Lee Konitz, Zoot, Red Garland, Klook and J+K. Ever since I am under his spell.

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