Watching Some High-Priced Vinyl on eBay

Before we get into some of the records we’re watching on eBay, be aware that we’ve been having some minor glitches on the site with people posting comments. Not all of the comments are getting posted immediately, and sometimes I have to go in manually and approve them. If this happens to you, don’t take it personally. It’s a technical problem, not a change in philosophy. We’re working to fix it and hope it will be resolved soon. In the meantime, back to watching jazz vinyl:

Hank Mobley Quintet, Blue Note 1550. This looks like an original pressing with the West 63rd address, deep grooves and all of the other original attributes. It is described as being in M- condition for both the record and the cover and it is accompanied by a nice clear picture, as can be seen here. This one has more than five days to go and already has nine bids and is already priced at about $800. It will sell for a lot of money.

From the same seller comes Hank Mobley and Lee Morgan, Peckin’ Time, Blue Note 1574. This is also an original pressing and it is also described as being in M- condition. This one is currently at $405. And, while we’re at it, Kenny Dorham, Quiet Kenny, New Jazz 8225. This one also looks to be in beautiful condition. It is also in the $400 price range. It will also probably sell for more than $2,000.

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  • When this happened to me I was worried I did something offensive. I went through and checked everything I said in the last month to make sure I didn’t call anyone a jackass or anything.
    Glad it’s a glitch.

  • The a-side spindle hole on that Quiet Kenny looks a bit worn out to me though.

  • And although it’s a bit off topic here, just in case you were wondering whatever happened with all the Andy Warhol covers that were auctioned off in such large numbers about eight weeks ago: some put them in one big lot and sell them for, you guessed it, $25,000 !! Check out this German seller and flip through his photos; as expected the known jazz gems in there, but without any description whatsoever about the originality or “firstness” of the pressings in question. So there you have it: Andy Warhol collectors will most probably fork out a few hundred or a few grand for whatever Blue Note (or any other jazz label) pressing they can find, as long as it’s one with Warhol on it. Imagine that: paying 25 Grand for copies that might as well be cheap reissues from the mid seventies, not to mention the other crap albums… 😉

  • 24 covers, let’s say $1000 each as today’s offer.
    maybe 1 (Burrell) is worth if original first pressing.
    market is this: one, sly sells, the other, silly buys.
    good luck!

  • It’s silly on many levels….but the photos are horrible!

  • what is the 1st stereo issue of Lee Morgan- LEEWAY. is there a w.63rd vangelder stamped stereo issue. or was it just rel. in mono (foldown) at the time. see i got today the nonvangelderstanmped lib. issue, i think it might be the 1st true stereo issue, rudy never made a stereo stamper for it cause it was only issue originally in mono, thats my working theory. is that fact? or can you guys tell me abt this lp? thanks!

  • Hello Chewy, I checked Fred Cohen’s book for you and indeed: the first ever stereo release of BST 84034 is a Liberty pressing. Fred’s book contains enough 1st stereo pressings from Blue Note, but there where it’s a Liberty only pressing, then he simply states “Lib” behind the catalogue number. It has no references to Rudy van Gelder in the trail off either, so you’re right that RVG himself never made a stereo stamper for the particular release. 😉

  • i wonder why certain sessions were only released in mono originally, when they were recorded in stereo.

    i have a few of these 1st stereo edition/liberty non-rvgstamped bluesnotes:

    -Byrd in flight
    -Whistle Stop

    all 3 sound AMAZING….just how many bn albums, were released in stereo for the 1st time, on liberty? lets make the whole list!

  • Well, Chewy, you can save yourself the trouble: Fred Cohen from Jazz Record Centre wrote THIS book. It has a separate section dedicated to 1st stereo pressings in it. I’d say go get it and check your copies to see what you got! 😉

  • Chewy,
    You can add:
    -Newk’s Time
    to your 1st stereo edition/liberty non-rvgstamped Blue Note list.

  • ill buy freds book if he throws in a Big John Patton- Blue John vangelder stamped test pressing

  • Chewy, I have the LeeWay(both Mono and Stereo) and the stereo Whistle Stop. I also think they sound great, although I’ve heard others say many times about the “hole in the middle” effect. I dont’ think RVG was terribly concerned with the stereo image on many of his recordings and this is why people tend to prefer Mono but I’ve found the stereos to be plenty good enough if not some are real nice.

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