A Misadventure in Jazz Collecting, Part 1

I feel guilty for being away so long, so I return to regale you with a story. It will probably be in two or three parts, but I promise it will all be posted this week, no more lengthy gaps. I’m actually on vacation from my real work.

Like most of the stories here, this one starts with an email.

May 10, 2018. Email to Al. Subject: Old original jazz collection

Hello. Was wondering if you know anyone interested in buying a pretty great collection of old (pretty sure collectible) jazz records? My hub amassed a big collection over the years and many are blue notes verve prestige and other unique labels. We r in Rochester, NY. Have been looking through many and have only gone through half prob near four thousand records at least. Looked some up on the Goldmine most recent book. Thank you 🙂 Debbie.

May 11, 2018. Email from Al to Debbie: Subject: Re: Old original jazz collection

Hi, Debbie. I know of several dealers who may be interested, and I may be interested myself as a collector. Sounds like you are interested in selling the collection as a whole? Do you have a list or any pictures? Condition is very important. Have you talked to any dealers yet? I’m happy to help you. – Al

May 11, 2018. Email from Debby to Al. Subject: Re: Old original jazz collection

Hi Al, Will send a few pics off to you! Yes Tom Cohen here in Rochester (bop shop) was supposed to call waited for a while then did last nite. Don’t think he’s interested in whole collection and really want someone who would love them and pay a fair price. Records are pretty mint but a few covers have dingy from the 50’s and some sellers marked prices on the, way back when! Hope to be in touch and maybe call . . . Debbie

May 11, 2018. Email from Debby to Al. Subject: Here are some pics for you

He has lots more and the Hank Mobley is Japanese label think 81 but not sure…hope this helps some…he has many from Japanese labels London Denmark Germany too































May 11, 2018. Email to Debby from Al. Subject: Re: Here are some pics for you.

Thanks Debbie. Definitely looks like a collection I’d be interested in for myself. I’m a collector not a dealer, they would be for my personal collection so you’d be getting someone who would love them and would also pay a fair price. I’ve bought two collections of similar size in the past and both sellers were extremely pleased. I’ve written about them on my site, with their permission, of course. Maybe we can chat on the phone? The 10-inch records in the first picture – the Mobley is a Japanese pressing, but the others? Are they Japanese too? They look like original labels to me, but it’s always hard to tell from pictures. Thanks for reaching out to me on this. I appreciate it. – Al

May 11, 2018. Email from Debby to Al. Subject: Re: Here are some pictures for you.

No they are all originals cept for Hank Mobley. My hub has one of your books 🙂 from a while back. Did email with London jazz collector but not for him just to find someone interested. Have two huge piles so far that are blue note Japanese and foreign labels that I can’t find value on. Lots of 10” too but they are originals. I haven’t called Tom back yet . . . did tell him he was first choice but by now that may have been a mistake knowing he will be choosy! Will chat soon.

At that point, Debbie gave me her phone number. I was a bit perplexed about the comment about her hub having one of my books. Considering that the only book I’ve ever been credited for on Amazon was something I did back in the 1987 titled One Day in the American Computer Industry, I wasn’t quite sure what she meant, but, after seeing those pictures, who was I to argue? If she said her hub had one of my books, then, as far as I’m concerned, her hub had one of my books.

It should have been a warning.




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  • Caroline Somerset

    WELCOME BACK! We miss you when you’re away so long… x c

  • THIS could be a book, though. All of these stories. Complete will cliffhangers.

  • Caroline Somerset

    I agree with gregory the fish. You could call it “Everything You Wanted to Know about Blue Note 1568 NY23 one side only (and some other Jazz LP’s), but Were Afraid To Ask”….

  • That’s Tom Cohn (not ‘Cohen’) who owns The Bop Shop in Rochester. Old friend…. And I second Caroline’s comment!

  • Interesting to read your return column on 8-27 as WKCR regales the airwaves with their annual Lester Young/Charlie Parker B-Day extravaganza.
    Nothin’ like Lester with your morning coffee.

  • I’ve been planning a Jazz Collector book forever, perhaps even a series, but it will all have to wait until my real business slows down a bit. JWR — as you can see, I’m just posting Debby’s emails as she sent them to me, not correcting grammar, spellings or anything else. BTW, Debby is a pseudonym, but everything else is 100% real.

  • This is like watching a TV series in the pre-box sett days, having to wait for the next part.

  • @Al

    No worries. I saw it was “Debby’s” error. Meant to be correcting the record, not you.

  • Cant wait ti see if Al “Waltzes with Debby”

  • I’ll eagerly read the other installments, but from my experience selling instruments and mouthpieces I would guess they’re mostly reissues, she’ll call you a crook eventually, and go to her grave trying to find a collector who agrees with her pricing.

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