Price Guide Updated

We’ve updated the Price Guide in a number of ways over the past few days. We added about 35 new entries, including a copy of Louis Smith, Smithville, that sold for more than $1,500, a copy of Sonny Clark’s Cool Struttin’ that sold for 3,750, the Count Basie RCA record with the Andy Warhol cover and several 10-inch LPs that are making their first appearance on the Price Guide, including the Max Roach Quartet on the Debut label. To take a look at the most recent entries, you can sort by clicking the Timestamp button at the top right and making sure the most recent entries are on top, by the date on which they were posted.

The sortable Timestamp is one of the new features we added to the Price Guide last week in order to make it more useful.  Every time we add a new record to the Price Guide, it will show the date on which we posted it, to give you a sense of its currency. All the prices we compiled prior to August 1st of this year are actually stamped August 1, 2008, so you can note that those are somewhat older, although still equally relevant. We’ve also made the Price Guide fully searchable, so you can just plug in the name of an artist (last name, first name), or a label, or a title, or a price, and sort the list by those categories — all the Blue Notes or Riversides or Verves, or all the Art Blakeys and Clifford Browns, or sort by highest prices. Whatever you like. You can even sort the records by condition, all those that are M-/M-, for example. 

One other note on the Price Guide: Many records are listed several times. This gives a greater sense of the overall market than just singling out highest prices or lowest prices, or just focusing on records in mint condition.  Also note that all the prices come from eBay auctions. eBay only saves their files for about two weeks, so our guide is much more focused and comprehensive than merely doing a eBay search of completed listings. If you have any questions, just post them on the site and we’ll be happy to answer them.

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