Jazz Vinyl Collection For Sale

I recently got a note from a collector who is relocating and selling his collection. He sent me a link the collection, and here it is: Collection for Sale. I had some level of interest myself, simply because in buying several collections over the years, I have found that I really enjoy the process of curating the collections, sorting the records, cleaning them, taking a few for my collection, etcetera, etcetera. It is a fun thing to do for someone like me, who really enjoys records. In case you may have forgotten, here are links to the two major collections I’ve bought in the past: The Complete Jazz Collector Irving Kalus Collection and The Complete Jazz Collector Bruce M. West Collection. Anyway, I perused this potential collection and probably identified many of the same records most of us here would identify as being of interest, such as Steamin’ With the Miles Davis Quintet,  Joe Henderson Mode for Joe, A Love Supreme, A Swingin’ Affair by Dexter Gordon, and at least a couple of dozen others.

There was enough potentially decent stuff in there to pique my interest and, if the collection were in reasonable driving distance, I probably would have made an offer. So I wrote back to the collector to ask a few more questions, and it turns out that the records are in Hilton Head, South Carolina. I did a quick Google search and we would be looking at about 16 hours from my home in The Berkshires, so I looked at the collection one more time and decided pretty quickly that it wasn’t THAT interesting.

I’ve had several emails back and forth with the collector, whose name is Sean, and it was very pleasant. I gave him the names of some dealers, I send out a note to a couple of our readers here who may be within closer driving distance but, as of my last correspondence, the collection was still for sale, so Sean said he would be pleased if I would put something up on Jazz Collector to see if anyone would be interested.

I just checked and Sean has put up his own site to sell the collection, so it looks like if you are interested, you can just contact him directly. And here is that link. Happy hunting and, if anyone here does wind up with the collection, please keep us all posted.



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  • Good luck to him with that mixed bag.

  • yea this is tricky. some nice ones in there, but it’s clear that some of what would be the most highly prized are actually reissues. A Love Supreme is an MCA reissue which turns what could have been a several hundred dollar item into a $20 one. Pharoah Sanders on ESP is a reissue, as is Art Pepper’s Smack Up… makes you wonder about the rest

  • Hi Sean,

    I left a comment on your website, but also, please do drop me an email at trout (at) udel (dot) edu. I live in Delaware but the drive is not a terrible imposition to me if we can sort the rest out.

  • One more post on this. Website says will trade collection for private flight to Costa Rica for 2 adults and 6 cats.
    Cheapest commercial flight from Hilton Head SC to San Jose Costa Rica is $747.00 per person ($1494.00). To say nothing of cats.
    Private planes typically charge $1300.00 to $3000.00 per flight hour. Flight time from Hilton Head to San Jose CR is approximately 3.5 hours.
    If such a trade is used to assess collection valuation, well, that’s a lot of bucks for some Jazz Lps mixed with beer drinking lps. In my opinion.
    And oh, can you tell from this post of mine that I’m retired?!

  • Just saw the last post about expensive records in collections and could not help noticing this:


    Gulp……I guess my Japanese copy will have to do.

  • Al,
    You asked about records which after sometime was somehow forgotten or not played for some time. I just pulled Benny Golson’s New York Scene , Contemporary C3552.
    How I missed this I have no clue. Well I do , like most here, to many records and so little time.
    Although Pandemic has allowed me some more listening time.

  • Greetings,

    Thanks for the entertaining comments in regard to my LP collection. Firstly, I’ll say that I have no illusions that my collection is worth anywhere near the usual cost of a chartered flight to Costa Rica. I put that in my blog post in case someone connected to resources involving international travel was interested in the collection.

    Secondly, I never bought records in the role of being a collector; I bought them to play on one of my two internet radio shows or listen to at home. Lastly, I’ll note that there are some records in here that are needle-in-a-haystack finds (especially if you don’t live in a larger metro area), regardless of any Discogs-based valuation. As I took the quick cover snaps, I discovered one of the Mose Allison albums is autographed on the back as is the Spike Robinson and a George Shearing. There may be more that are signed, but I won’t have time to go back and reexamine the covers until after the holidays, or perhaps ever.

    For my shows, I tried to keep things interesting by playing deeper cuts on the common LPs and spinning lesser-known artists on smaller labels; those notions fueled the accumulation of the collection—It was all about the music.

    I hope everyone here continues to stay safe.


  • Just a note: I sold the entire collection to a person in Stockholm, Sweden who is opening a jazz lounge/record store. Thanks to those of you who contacted me with interest in individual records. Cheers.

  • Fantastic. Congratulations.

  • In a digital age, it’s important for artists to produce physical formats like vinyl or CDs for fans to collect. These tangible items provide a deeper connection to the music and create a lasting bond between the artist and their audience.

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