This is a Jazz Vinyl Collectible??????

Here, perhaps, is a sign of the Apocalypse. I was doing my normal search through eBay jazz vinyl, and came across this record as a jazz vinyl collectible: Kenny G Live. The price is already more than $130. The seller promotes it as an audiophile copy, so perhaps it is the recording and not the music that is creating the value. At least let us hope that is the case.

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  • Is it collectible, or is it jazz?

  • Rudolf A. Flinterman

    I don’t know this Kenny G. and won’t spend a penny on it.
    Right now I have an extremely scarce French bop album for sale at EBay (Henri Renaud with Allen Eager and Klook on Ducretet Thomson, Paris January 1957), which is now at some 740 dollars and which I expect to hit the 1000 barrier tonight.

  • The world is truly coming to an end. As time progresses, it will be interesting to see what other more contemporary LPs take off in price like this one. And an interesting that it is coming from Malaysia.

    Rudolf- checked out your listings- some nice stuff! Though I was surprised your Ahmed Abdul Malik LP only went for 25 when it was in NM condition.

  • Rudolf A. Flinterman

    Ahmed Abdul Malik: I was surprised too, esp. since Johnny Griffin is on it in his prime period, 1958.

  • Hi, Rudolf (and others). If you mention an album in one of your comments, feel free to post a link as well. This makes it easier for some lazy people (like me, for example) to find the records. — al

  • …Once again we seem to be getting a bit sidetracked, and just glazing over this whole Kenny G issue for some reason. Personally, I blame our short attention spans on the usual suspects: television, alcohol and a seemingly limitless supply of internet porn just a click away for some of you out there. (You know who you are…) Despite these intellectually stimulating pastimes, I suspect we are also in denial over Kenny’s right to exist in the neither regions between musak and Jazz, and are just trying to politely change the subject… When it comes to a “national treasure” like Kenny or to a lesser extent, one’s private internet addictions, this is completely understandable. What you listen to (or click to) in the privacy of your home is your business. Besides, who among us hasn’t had to spend a pleasant evening at a “friends” dinner party, wondering if anyone else notices Kenny’s latest collection of animal mating calls spinning in the background… Hoping like hell that someone else makes a comment before you do, and before your wife defends the host’s selection in music by mentioning that John Tesh CD she found in your car the other day… but I digress.

    As I was saying, “Kenny ain’t hurtin’ nobody” you might add, but that my friends is a serious misconception. Something must be done about this, after all is nothing sacred on e-bay anymore ? Today it is Kenny G trying to weasel his way into the hallowed halls of Jazz, tomorrow it could be Conway Twitty belting out a washboard solo of muskrat love that makes it into the $3000 dollar bin !!! If this happens, all of Nashville (by way of Branson) will be riding Kenny’s coat tails through those pearly gates… I think we have to report this blatant abuse to big brother and give e-bay an ear-full over this one …We have to send a message to the musically un-inclined philistines out there who try to slip one past the proverbial goalie every now and then, before it’s too late !

    Note to self: Reduce caffeine intake by half prior to weekly rant on the Jazz Collector ! (Sorry Al !)

  • Don-Lucky, my friend, are you sure that was caffeine and nothing stronger?

  • …Between us Jazz Collectors, maybe there was a bit of scotch in the mix as well !

  • And now that we see the amount of money that the ‘Mr. G’ rarity brought,are we all above keeping an eye out for one at the next garage sale? Hmm…”From Hard Bop to Soft Slop,we’ve got your Jazz rarities right HERE!”-if you know what I mean. And by the way,the names of all bidders were kept private,so we only have Al’s word that he didn’t place a losing bid(or worst,the winning one!)Al?

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