Live At Monterey: Jazz Collector

For any of you who may find yourselves in the wilds of Western Massachusetts this weekend, you can come down to the Monterey General Store on Sunday and catch a live performance of none-other-than yours truly. It is a long and complicated story that brings me there, and I won’t get into the details now, but I have a minor ability to play rhythm guitar and I will be doing so in support of my friend Dan Axelrod, who I have mentioned many times on this site as a brilliant jazz guitarist and protege of the late Tal Farlow. Many years ago, Dan and I used to play fairly regularly. That’s us in the picture, with more hair and less girth. I’m on the left. Don’t laugh — it was a time when mustaches like that were quite respectable. Anyway, a few years ago we revived the act and played at the Monterey General Store — which is, quite literally, a general store — and this weekend we are reviving the act for a “jazz brunch” from noon to 2 p.m. The music will be good and the gig should be a lot of fun. I’ll let you know how it goes next week.

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  • It’s a shame-regarding this topic- that I live in Amsteram(NL), because i would have loved to see the shaven versions of these to guys, but foremost you are getting us all interested in what kind of guitar music you it ‘ted farlow’ style?
    but anyhow, good luck, but above all, have fun!

  • Rudolf A. Flinterman

    wish these cute boys a great party

  • Hope it was a good show. I happened to be 27 miles away that day, but with a prior engagement. When’s the CD, I mean record, release party?

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