A Plug For Us, A Few For the Price Guide

I must say, I got some pleasure out of reading this listing:

The Magnificent Thad Jones, Blue Note 1527. This was an original Lexington Avenue pressing and the seller was not an expert and he took it to a professional cleaner to have cleaned. Even better, when he posted the listing he provided a link and referenced Jazz Collector to help people learn more about the record. Nice touch, if I do say so myself. Anyway, the record looked to be in M- or VG++ condition, and the cover was probably around VG. The price was $385.

Here are a few more going into the Jazz Collector Price Guide this morning:

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Jazz Vinyl Price Update: Jackie, Newk Et Al

I have a couple of hundred items to enter into the Jazz Collector Price Guide and I’m hoping to find some time this weekend. As I’ve been perusing through the entries this morning, I found a few that I never updated on the site, so here they are. No links on these, by the way.

Jackie McLean, Alto Madness, Prestige 7114. This was from about a month ago. It was an original pressing in M- condition for both the record and the cover. The price was $932. A copy of Jackie’s Pal sold for more than $1,500 last week. There’s definitely been something that has stirred some higher prices in the past couple of weeks.

Sonny Clark, Sonny’s Crib, Blue Note 1576. This was an original pressing that was in VG+ condition for the vinyl and VG for the cover. The price was $610.. This was an original pressing that was

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How About This — 10th Avenue Prestige?

Here’s an interesting question from on of our readers, based on the accompanying pictures. We all know about the addresses on the Prestige LPs: West 50th Street in New York for the 10-inch LPs and 12-inch LPS up to around 7141, then Bergenfield, N.J. But that about this address, 754  10th Avenue, as seen below? Anyone know how many Prestige 78s were put out with this address on the label, or anything else about it.

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New Jazz, New Heights

We promised some Prestige stuff today.  We’ll start with a couple of recent eBay sales and then later we’ll be posting an interesting question. First, to eBay:

Ken McIntyre, Looking Ahead, New Jazz 8247. This was an original pressing with the purple label and the deep grooves. It was in beautiful M- condition. The record features Eric Dolphy as well and the seller listed Dolphy first. That was probably a wise decision. This one sold for $260.

This one was from the same era, with a very similar framed cover: Benny Golson, Gone With Golson, New Jazz 8235. This was

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Blue Notes Shattering Price Ceiling

Let’s catch up from the weekend.

The Blue Notes seem to be in a new stratosphere. We’d never seen any Curtis Fuller record sell for more than $1,000 in the Jazz Collector Price Guide. Until now, that is: Curtis Fuller Volume 3, Blue Note 1583. This was an original pressing, featuring Sonny Clark on piano, and it was listed in M- condition for both the record and the cover. The price was $1,467.43. Then there was this one, from a different seller: Curtis Fuller, The Opener, Blue Note 1567. This was also an original pressing, not with Sonny Clark but with Hank Mobley on tenor. The vinyl was M- and the cover was VG++. The price was $1,180. Honestly, watching these prices, I’m getting quite tempted to dig into the collection. I have both of these records in nice condition.

There there was this, which wasn’t even an original pressing:

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A Prestige Pair & One For The $1,000 Bin

Here are a few more jazz vinyl odds and ends we’ve been watching on eBay:

Let’s start with a couple more Prestiges. Frank Foster, Hope Meets Foster, Prestige 7021. This looks to be an original pressing with the New York address and the deep groove. It was listed in M- condition for the record and the cover looked to be VG+ or VG++. The price was $548.78, which is a nice price but in this market I would have thought it might have sold for even more. If that Prestige sold for less than expected, this one got top dollar, based on what we’ve previously seen for this record in the Jazz Collector Price Guide:

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On eBay: Book & Blue Note

We see that some of the big sellers are back on eBay this weekend. Here is some of the jazz vinyl we are watching here at Jazz Collector:

Booker Ervin, The Song Book, Prestige 7318. Booker was one of the unheralded greats on tenor sax and, to me, this is his best record as a leader. He wails on All The Things You Are and Just Friends and shows off his power and warmth on the ballads as well. With an all-star rhythm section featuring Tommy Flanagan, Richard Davis and Alan Dawson. If I ever get back to doing my Jazz Vinyl Countdown, this stays in the collection no matter what. Anyway, the copy on sale on eBay is an

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Six Blue Note LPs, Six For the $1,000 Bin

There were some comments on the earlier posts about Prestige prices being high. Here are some Blue Notes from the same time period and some of the same sellers:

Sonny Clark, Sonny’s Crib, Blue Note 1576. The record was mis-labeled as Dial S for Sonny in the listing, but I don’t think that impacted the price. The vinyl was listed in M- condition and the cover was M- and it was a nice clear picture in the listing, as you can see here. The record sold for $3,050.

Cliff Jordan, Blue Note 1565. This too was an original pressing from the same seller, also with a nice picture, also in M- condition for both the vinyl and the cover. It sold for $2,444, which was the highest price we’ve ever recorded for

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Hefty Prestiges, Hefty Price Tags

Let’s catch up on some of the jazz vinyl we’ve been watching at Jazz Collector. We’ll start with the Prestiges and move on to the Blue Notes later.

John Coltrane with the Red Garland Trio, Prestige 7123. This was an original pressing with the original cover (the second pressing on this is Traneing In). The record was M- and the cover was VG+ and the price was $660. We’ve watched this one many times in the Jazz Collector Price Guide and it never surpassed $400. Quite a change. I’ve been cataloguing my records for insurance purposes and I had this one at $300. Guess I’ll have to change that.

This one also seemed to hit a new high: Olio, Prestige 7084, with Thad Jones, Frank Wess, Teddy Charles, Elvin Jones, Mal Waldron and Doug Watkins. This one was in M- condition all the way around and sold for $504.

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Blue Train: Honing In On The Original Labels

Here’s a great one from our friend Don-Lucky on Blue Train:

Good afternoon Al,

I am not sure if your were watching this one already or not, but it sold quite for a record high today…

John Coltrane BLUE Train Blue Note 1577 w.63rd 23 NM!
Item Number: 400138742036
Selling Price: $1838.04


I was also chatting with Larry Cohn about this one earlier in the week and here is what he had to say on this auction:
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