Today on Ebay: Fuller, Parlan and McCoy (For Sale)

SHHHHHHHHHH. It’s so quiet on eBay today we wouldn’t want to disturb any of the sleeping buyers and sellers. I have a sense that the economy is starting to wreak a little havoc on the jazz collectibles market — not on the high-end collectibles — but in the mid-tier. We’ll see. These things tend to go in cycles. Perhaps it’s a good time to be buying. Anyway, it is quite quiet on eBay today, but there are a few things worth noting, including:

Curtis Fuller, Bone and Bari, Blue Note 1572. This is an original pressing in M- condition, both record and cover, and it features an autograph by Curtis Fuller. Not to mention the presence of Sonny Clark on piano. The opening bid price for this record is about $140 and, as of now, there are no bids. In the Jazz Collector Price Guide we’ve seen this record sell for nearly $700 in M- condition without an autograph. So maybe it is a time to be buying.

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Mrs. JC Sounds Off


Mrs JC, Incognito

Mrs JC, Incognito

We turn the post over to Mrs. Jazz Collector:

 “I really have just one question: Are you all as crazy as my husband?

When our kids were growing up, every family vacation we would drive around looking for record stores. In Boston, LA, San Francisco, Toronto, London – wherever – we’d search for record stores, Al would run in and leave us sitting in the car, no matter what the neighborhood. He’d go away on business trips and come back loaded with records. One time he went to Chicago and bought 300 78s and had to buy an extra piece of luggage just to lug them home.

Where we live is always a function of whether there is room for Al’s records. We bought one house because it had a huge living room with high ceilings. Al had floor-to-ceiling cabinets built, with a rolling 

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Hank Mobley, Dippin’: And The Winner Is . . .

OK, no new comments since yesterday, so it’s time to take the eligible names and place them in a hat (actually, we’ll just strew them across our desk) and ask Mrs. Jazz Collector to come in and pick a winner for the free LP, Hank Mobley, Dippin’, Blue Note 4209. So there are 15 entries — all of whom have commented on the Jazz Collector Web site in the past two weeks — and the winner of the record is . . . . 

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Win a Free Record: Last Chance Today!

We’ve been so busy with life, we almost forgot that there’s a contest going on at Jazz Collector to give away a free record. The record is Hank Mobley, Dippin’, Blue Note 4209. It is not an original pressing, but a nice reissue with the West 63rd Street address on the label and the original linter notes and packaging. The record and cover are both in M- condition, and are being offered free to one lucky reader of Jazz Collector. As with all of our contests, all you have to do to be eligible is post a comment anywhere on the site. So far, we have 15 readers eligible for the contest: Mike Young, Jason, Mike Moore, Dan Hodina, Bland Alexandre, Bethellodge, Michel, Rudolf, Mike P, Jon Weintraub, Tom Konar, Ann, Erich Schultz, Davel Sockel and Brian. If you would like to add your name to this illustrious list, please post a comment on the site — anywhere — by the end of the day today. Then, tomorrow morning, we’ll have the infamous Mrs. Jazz Collector pull the winning name out of the hat. Again, it’s all free, we pay shipping, everything. The idea is to promote discussion on the site, and it seems to be working a bit: The 15 entries is the largest number we’ve had so far.

Catching up With a Few More Warhol Covers

We’ve been watching prices for albums with covers by Andy Warhol. Here are a few more that sold recently on eBay:

Johnny Griffin, The Congregation, Blue Note 1580. This was an interesting one in that the record was listed as in only G+ or VG- condition, which means it is probably something most of us wouldn’t put on our turntables. The cover was listed in VG+ condition. It sold for $311.

J.J. Johnson, Kai Winding and Bennie Green, Trombone by Three, Prestige 16-4. This was an original pressing and a very rare 16-RPM LP. It was in VG++ condition, both the record and the cover. The price was $290.

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Quickie Quiz

Many people assume that the Charlie Parker tune “Billie’s Bounce” was named in honor of Billie Holliday. That is not the case. Who, in fact, was the Billie in “Billie’s Bounce?” 

Today on Ebay: Trane and Mr. PC

We’re back watching eBay after taking some time off. It’s actually good to take a break every once in a while. Gives you a perspective that there are things more important than collectible jazz records. But not at Jazz Collector, so here are some items to watch:

This one’s from our friends at Euclid Records: John Coltane, Lush Life, Prestige 7188. This is an original yellow label pressing in M- condition. The current price is about $120. One of the things I’ve always liked about this record is the opportunity to hear Trane in a trio setting. This was around the time Sonny Rollins was playing with a trio and it seemed that Trane was emulating his friend and peer. Not the case, however, if you review the liner notes by Joe Goldberg, who asked Trane about why he was playing in a trio setting. Trane’s response?

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Free Advice For eBay Sellers

From the archives:

Here’s advice I gave recently to someone looking to sell jazz records on eBay:

1.     Buy a professional record cleaner and clean every record before you grade it and sell it.

2.     Grade your records accurately/conservatively. You want to develop a good reputation and leave your customers satisfied so they’ll feel confident buying more from you.

3.     Have a no-questions-asked return policy. If someone is not happy, pay to have the record shipped back and refund his money. If a buyer is consistently unhappy, politely stop doing business with him.

4.     When you ship records, package them professionally and carefully and don’t scrimp on using high-end boxes and packing material.

5.      Be accurate in your descriptions and include as much information as possible. Learn about the details that are important to buyers, such as the address on labels, colors of labels, distinguishing characteristics such as the deep groove and anything else that will make your listings clear and informative. Include the label and number. Try not to be too wordy: English may not be the first language of many buyers, so keep your listings concise and uncomplicated.

6.     Get a good camera and take clear pictures, showing as much detail as possible.

What do you think? Do you have any other advice for sellers of jazz records on eBay? 

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