Taking a Chance on Phil

Ever since I bought that big collection last summer I’ve been very circumspect about buying more records. Something about absorbing a couple of thousand records into the collection has made it less compelling to buy more. Anyway, being circumspect doesn’t mean I’m not interested, I did, after all, purchase that 10-inch Phil Woods record on eBay a few months ago and I did have The Lovely Mrs. JC purchase that beautiful Thad Jones Blue Note for my birthday. So I was perusing eBay and I came upon an interesting listing and it was this: Phil Woods, Woodlore, Prestige 7018. This is a record I’ve always wanted, just a great record from the era. The copy I have had for the past 25 years is a Japanese pressing with Japanese liner notes. Anyway, the listing was very interesting. The seller used the word “GOOD” to describe the record and the cover. In our normal parlance “good” means horrible. It’s the low rating you give to a record that may not even be playable. In this seller’s parlance, however, I got the feeling that “good” may have meant really good, like VG+ or better. The seller doesn’t seem to be a record dealer and he/she seems to be covering his bases and trying not to oversell the records. Anyway, the bidding was sitting at about $150 with a less than an hour to go on the auction, and the gambler in me took over andI decided, what the hell, it’s worth a shot. So I put in a snipe of about $250 figuring I’d have a good chance at getting the record and, if worse came to worse and the record was not in good shape, at least I’d have something to write about. I was surprised to see that the record sold for $382. I guess there are bigger gamblers out there than me. I have a feeling the winner of this record is going to be quite pleased.


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