Price Guide

We try to keep an ongoing tabulation of prices of vintage collectible vinyl on eBay. This is not a complete list, but it is one focused on the more collectible labels – such as Blue Note, Prestige, Norgran, Riverside, Verve, Transition and others – and the more collectible artists.

On this app, the condition is listed as record first, cover second. Generally items we track are original pressings in VG+ or better condition. As you know, all dealers do not grade equally and the prices of certain records are affected by the dealer’s reputation and by the way he or she packages the eBay listing. In any case, eBay represents the best public market and indicator of real pricing patterns for the Jazz Collector market, far better, more accurate and up-to-date than any price guides. You can sort this by artist, label and price. If you are searching for a particular artist, type in the last name first followed by a comma and the first name, such as Davis, Miles.

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Total Records Found: 5394, showing 50 per page
Jones, Thad The Magnificent, Vol. 3 Blue Note 1546 VG++/VG 338 West 63rd
Jones, Thad The Jones Boys Period 1210 M-/VG+ 131 DG Mono original
Jones, Thad Mad Thad Period 1208 VG++/VG++ 525 DG Mono original
Jones, Thad The Magnificent Blue Note 1546 M-/M- 430 West 63rd, DG
Jones, Thad The Magnificent Blue Note 1527 VG+/VG 519 Lexington Ave DG, Flat Edge
Jones, Thad The Magnificent Blue Note 1527 M-/VG 385 Lexington Ave DG, Flat Edge
Jones, Thad Olio Prestige 7084 M-/M- 504 New York Yellow
Jones, Thad Detroit-NY Junction Blue Note 1513 M-/M- 642 Lexington Avenue
Jones, Thad Thad Jones Debut 127 VG+/VG+ 258 DG Original
Jones, Thad Detroit-New York Junction Blue Note 1513 M-/VG++ 875 Lexington Ave DG, Flat Edge
Jones, Thad Detroit-New York Junction Blue Note 1513 VG++/VG+ 767 Lexington Ave DG, Flat Edge
Jones, Thad The Magnificent Blue Note 1527 VG++/VG++ 870 Lexington Ave DG, Flat Edge
Jones, Thad The Magnificent Volume 3 Blue Note 1546 VG++/VG++ 722 WEst 63rd, DG
Jones, Thad The Magnificent Blue Note 1527 VG/VG++ 261 Lexington Ave DG, Flat Edge
Jones, Thad Mad Thad Period 1208 VG++/VG 610 DG Original
Jones, Thad Detroit-New York Junction Blue Note 1513 VG++/ VG+ 767 Lexington Ave DG, Flat Edge
Jones, Thad The Magnificent Blue Note 1527 M-/M- 1154 Lexington Ave
Jones, Thad After Hours Prestige 7118 VG+/VG+ 300 New York Yellow
Jones, Thad Volume 3 Blue Note 1546 M-/VG+ 1136 West 63rd Original
Jordan, Cliff A Story Tale Jazzland 40 M-/VG+ 47 Orange label
Jordan, Cliff Blowing in From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG+/VG 305 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff A Story Tale Jazzland 40 M-/VG++ 153 Orange label
Jordan, Cliff Blowing in From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG/VG- 109 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 VG/VG 89 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 VG++/VG++ 975 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Craft Blue Note 1582 VG/VG 447 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Craft Blue Note 1582 M-/VG++ 760 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Craft Blue Note 1582 VG+/VG+ 260 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowing in From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG+/VG 338 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowing in From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG++/VG+ 485 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowing in From Chicago Blue Note 1549 M-/M- 855 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Bearcat Jazzland 69 VG++/VG++ 43 Orange label
Jordan, Cliff A Story Tale Jazzland 940 M-/VG++ 88 Orange label
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Craft Blue Note 1582 VG++/VG++ 1273 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 VG+/VG++ 760 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowin' In From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG+/VG++ 733 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowin' In From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG+/VG+ 338 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowin' In From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG+/VG+ 676 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Craft Blue Note 1582 M-/M- 2303 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowin' In From Chicago Blue Note 1549 M-/M- 1692 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 M-/VG++ 1222 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowin' In From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG+/VG+ 393 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Blowin' in From Chicago Blue Note 1549 VG+/VG 600 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 VG++/VG++ 939 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 M-/M- 2444 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 VG++/M- 1346 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 M-/M- 1526 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Jordan Blue Note 1565 M-/M- 1526 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Craft Blue Note 1582 VG++/VG+ 1891 West 63rd
Jordan, Cliff Cliff Craft Blue Note 1582 VG++/VG++ 1370 West 63rd, DG Mono
(Visited 23,301 times, 281 visits today)


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