WFMU Record Fair Coming To NY in Two Weeks

Someone asked on a recent post if we will be attending the WFMU Record Fair this year. The Record Fair, which is the top record show in the New York Metropolitan area, is coming up in less than two weeks: It begins on Friday, October 23 and ends on Sunday, October 25. It’s definitely worth attending: There are generally bargains to be found and also some nice collectibles at collectible prices. For the past couple of years we’ve taken a table but this year we will find ourselves in Washington DC for personal business on Friday and Saturday. Our plan is to show up on Sunday morning to do some shopping and socializing, with the expectation that anything worth purchasing will be long gone by the time we show up. Still, we’ll be there and we’ll certainly feel the rush of adrenaline our body automatically pumps in the presence of so much jazz and other vinyl.

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One comment

  • I have been attending, and selling at, the WFMU record fair for over six years now and anticipate its arrival every year. This edition should be interesting because as Ebay has shown, the amount of rarities and collectible vinyl appearing on the market has skyrocketed, with rough economic times probably being a factor. While there might more of a tremendous selection of goodies this year (though every year the convention is chock full of choice discs), will price tags be too steep because of these rough times? or will sellers want to see more $$$ rather than taking home unsold pieces? Will there be a stronger representation of foreign buyers because of our weak economy? All things I am excited to observe at this year’s fair. I will have a table directly next to the bar in the far NE corner- stop by and say hello to anyone reading this.

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