The Rarest Ever? We’ll Have To See About That
Here’s an interesting listing on eBay: The Fabulous Guitar of Bill Jennings, King 295-106. This is a 10-inch record in VG+ condition for both the record and the cover. One of the things that makes the listing interesting is the statement by the seller that this is the “most rare and collectible 10-inch jazz guitar LP EVER MADE.” That is quite a strong statement, although seller seems knowledgeable, he is also quite hyperbolic, talking about this being the rarest “in the history of mankind.” In any case, I’ve never heard of this LP, but I’m sure it’s quite collectible. I know there are many jazz guitar enthusiasts out there, including my friend Dan, so perhaps we can have some real perspective on this LP. This auction is closing later today, there is a start price of $1,500 and there are still no bidders.
I’ve also got an eye on this one, and a story goes with it: Sonny Clark, Sonny’s Crib, Blue Note 1576. This is an original pressing in what is probably VG+ condition for both the record and the cover. It closes in six days and the start price is around $800. The story that goes with it is that I just purchased an original pressing of this record and it is the cleanest copy I’ve ever seen. I’m quite pleased about that. There are other records that were part of this collection and, once I sort it all out, I will share some details. But the M- Sonny’s Crib was one of the highlights, that’s for sure.