What is Happening to the Rare Jazz Vinyl Market?

I first started doing Jazz Collector as a newsletter/web site back in 2004 and moved over to the blog format in 2008. Back then, I used to pore through eBay every single day, looking at the complete jazz listings for every 24 hours so I could not only spot the big-ticket items, but also to identify potential bargains. I was really into it then, because I was selling records and, more often, buying records. At some point, however, my real work started accumulating, I bought two major collections to fill out my own collection, the prices on eBay soared into the stratosphere, and the idea of looking at 24 hours of eBay all day and every day became more of a nuisance than a pleasure. It did change the dynamics of Jazz Collector a bit, because I still wanted to write about the market and identify rare records, but I started doing searches based on price, as in the highest priced records.

And that’s what I’ve been doing for many years now. I’m sure most of you noticed, particularly long-time readers such as Rudolf. Which is a long way of getting to this point: As I’ve been doing these searches recently, I’ve been finding that the sellers are asking for higher prices consistently, and the buyers are becoming less interested. I just went on to eBay for the first time in a few weeks and most of the records I looked at had high asking prices and zero bidders. It feels like the market is changing right before our eyes. In any case, rather than focus on records that are not getting bids, let’s start with a couple that are: Read more

A New Adventure in Jazz Collecting, Part 5

On Feb. 4, 2023 I turned 70 years of age.

Yada, yada, yada . . . on Feb. 7, 2023 I sent an email to Carolina Soul Records to see if they would be interested in buying a portion of my collection. So, yeah,  you could say turning 70 was a bit of a tipping point for me. Why did I reach out to Carolina Soul as my first choice? We’ve all been watching over the past few years as they have come out of nowhere to be one of the premier sellers of jazz vinyl on eBay. They seem to grade the records fairly, they must have a strong coterie of loyal customers, they get good prices, and they keep getting these pretty amazing collections of jazz records. I also figured, with the money they’ve collected in some of these auctions, they might have the wherewithal to actually pay cash up-front for the records. Plus, there were a few comments on the Jazz Collector site that pointed me in their direction, alluding to their reputation for being “very favorable” on consignment payouts, as Clifford mentioned the other day a comment on the first article in this New Adventure in Jazz Collecting. Read more

A New Adventure in Jazz Collecting, Part 3

The pix with these posts are copies of some of the records to be auctioned. The real pics will be with the listings.

I trace the roots of this latest chapter in The Great Jazz Vinyl Countdown back to a post I wrote on Jazz Collector on July 28, 2022. It was simply called Updates. In this midst of writing about a bunch of records on eBay, I went off topic based on a comment from our friend Maarten Kools — the idea of spending time with the records and enjoying them while also enjoying the process of thinning them out. Then, I wrote this: “If someone would have the wherewithal to buy one of the world’s greatest jazz collections in one shot, you know where to find me.”

The next day I received an email. The sender said he did, indeed, have the wherewithal to buy a collection like mine. Henceforth, I will refer to this individual as KC Ken, short for Kansas City Ken, which is neither his real name nor real location. Anyway, I checked him out on LinkedIn and it didn’t take more than a minute to determine that yes, he did have that kind of wherewithal. I wrote back and suggested we chat. Read more

A New Adventure in Jazz Collecting

Sometime over the next few weeks the seller Carolina Soul Records will be running an eBay auction that will include many really, really nice original jazz collectibles. These will include a beautiful copy of Jutta Hipp With Zoot Sims, Blue Note 1530, along with nice copies of the other 12-inch Jutta Hipp Blue Notes; a really nice original New York pressing of Sonny Rollins Saxophone Colossus, as well as Blue Note 1542, 1558 and 1581; a West 63rd copy of John Coltrane, Blue Train, Blue Note 1557, plus more than a dozen additional original Tranes; a bunch of Miles originals; Donald Byrd Blows Beacon Hill on Transition, Kenny Dorham Blue Note, Lou Donaldson Blue Note. I could go on.

How do I know so much about this upcoming auction? Read more

What Really Went on in the Van Gelder Studio?

Speaking of playing favorites, the other night I had a little time to do some mindful listening, so I put on one of my all-timers, Sonny Rollins Plus Four, Prestige 7038, original pressing, original cover, as seen in the accompanying photo. As I’m listening, I’m picturing the musicians in Van Gelder’s studio playing live, looking at one another and giving signals and approvals, all young men in their primes discovering what they were capable of doing and, on this album, doing it as well as anyone ever did it. Then I put on a record I haven’t listened to nearly as often as Sonny Rollins Plus Four, which was Newk’s Time, Blue Note 4001, and I had the same picture in my head with the four musicians on that album, Sonny, Wynton Kelly, Doug Watkins and Philly Joe Jones. And then my mind started wandering and this is what I thought. Read more

More Jazz Vinyl From Europe

Let’s look at a few more original European pressings, starting with Zoot Sims in Hollywood, Esquire 20-040. This is an original 10-inch version of an original 10-inch U.S. Prestige. The record looks to be in M- condition and the cover looks to be VG++. The bidding starts at about $115 and so far there are no bids. I have to admit – I’ve never seen a copy of this record before, either in person or even on eBay. Can’t beat the cover on this one: Gigi Gryce-Clifford Brown Sextet, Jazz Time Paris, Volume 2, Vogue L.D.E. 048. This is an original French pressing. It takes a while to interpret the seller’s description, but I would say this looks to be in VG- condition for the record and VG for the cover. The start price is $100 and so far there are no bidders. The auction closes tomorrow. Read more

One Record

I was driving in the car the other day and listening to a playlist on my phone. A usual car playlist will have a variety of music, from the Beatles to Ella, James Taylor, 60s rock and, of course, some jazz. I was listening for about a half hour, singing along a little, but nothing that necessarily put a smile on my face. But then came this: Paul’s Pal, by Sonny Rollins. As soon as it came on, my face lit up. For me, it’s one of those songs that always puts a smile on my face. Maybe it reminds me of the first time I heard it, or perhaps because it always seemed to me like Sonny was smiling while he played it. Anyway, I started thinking about the record, Tenor Madness, and the thought popped into my head: If I could keep only one record, Tenor Madness would be one of the contenders. Now, I realize this is silly because there is so much music available everywhere in digital formats, so I could listen to pretty much anything I would want at any time. But it’s my game, and here’s how I played it out. Read more

Digging Deeper Into the Jazz Collector Collection

I was perusing eBay this morning and came upon: Sonny Rollins Plus Four, Prestige 7038. This is an original New York yellow label pressing with the first cover. The record is listed in VG++ condition and the cover is VG. The bidding is in the $315 range with more than a day left on the auction. One of the reasons I saved this record on my watch list was to remind myself that, prior to my recent road trip, I had planned to write a post talking about records I had recently been enjoying, and this was among the foremost – or should I say, Fourmost? – on the list. So here is that record, and here is that post. Read more

Highlights from a (sold) Estate Sale

A reader sent me a link to this estate sale with a note that it was being sold as a complete collection: The Estate of Alan J. Javorcky: Noted Trombone and Jazz Musician.  I received the note around 3 p.m. yesterday and went immediately to the site.  First thing I saw was a note that the jazz collection had been sold and was no longer available. I decided to look anyway, and I suggest that you do the same before they take the pictures away.Go all the way down to lot #212. First you’ll see a batch of EPs. At first blush, I thought these were 10-inch LPs erroneously listed as EPs, but I’m pretty sure they are EPs. Maybe someone can confirm. The picture is from that group of EPs It’s a challenge because the EPs and 10-inch LPs often used the same covers. Move down to 310 and you start with LPs of the 10- and 12-inch kind. Read more

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