Glad to see the last post garnered so much interest and discussion. Not sure whether to thank Helen Merrill, the person who bought the Helen Merrill record, Strictlyheadies or Instagram itself. I realize I am missing a lot by not being active on Instagram. I actually have two accounts, AJDoctor, which is also my eBay account, mostly inactive, and Jazz.collector. I just don’t go to Instagram very often. Nor do I go to Facebook or other social media. Maybe I’m just old, but I’ve never thought of myself as a moldy fig and I have been active online since the early days of the net. In fact, I started a newspaper in 1994 called Inter@ctiveWeek, which was the first print and online publication focused on the internet and bore the tagline “The Internet’s Newspaper,” which, by the way, I came up with. Anyway, maybe this discussion will help inspire me to participate. One of these days, when people don’t want to pay me good money to write about technology and business anymore, I will have more time to get back to selling records, and perhaps then I will be ready to expand both my horizons and my community. Until then, it’s back to watching records on eBay, starting with: Read more