Jazz Records: One of a Kind! Too Good To Be True! Amazing Bargain$!

I’m sure all of you get stopped in your tracks at times by weird listings on eBay or other outlets. Here are a few from my list, starting with Lester Young, Norgran MG N-1022. I’ve noticed this on eBay for at least a couple of months. I can’t imagine why it hasn’t sold yet. The buy-it-now price is only $250,000 U.S. dollars or, as we might say here in the states, a cool quarter of a million. Apparently what makes the record this valuable is the stamp that states: “For Demonstration Only Not For Sale.” This is what the seller says about this record: “Our extensive research shows that this may well be the only such demonstration copy in the world or the only surviving one, as there is no record of another such demonstration-only copy ever being sold and there is no catalogued example of it with even similar demo stamp designation or any of the professional vinyl websites.” The seller won’t show full pictures of the cover due to “confidentiality purposes.” I’m not going to make any catty comments, beyond the fact that I’m sharing this with you in a post about weird listings. I looked at the copy in my collection and it is a beauty, definitely from the collection I bought in Baltimore because the previous owner, Bruce M. West, kept his records in mint condition and put the date or month he acquired it in small ink on the back cover. The date was 5/56. Alas, there is no “For Demonstration Only Not For Sale” stamp on my copy, so I guess I will have to put off my retirement. That wasn’t too catty, was it? Read more