Jazz Vinyl Countdown: Seldon Powell on Roost

Here’s the record: Seldon Powell Sextet, Roost 2220. We had this one in a pile to sell. Why: Well, we have no personal attachment to the record, can’t even remember when or where we bought it. We had never listened to it despite owning it for several years. Seldon Powell is a nice tenor player, but, face it, he’s not Sonny Rollins or John Coltrane. The sidemen are good, but nothing special: Jimmy Cleveland, Freddie Green, Aaron Bell, Roland Hanna, Osie and Gus Johnson. Most importantly, this is a record that is quite collectible and could fetch a fair price. In the Jazz Collector Price Guide we’ve seen it sell for more than $200. So, we put it on the turntable this morning with the expectation that we would most likely be selling this record on eBay. So, what’s the verdict?

Well, just like the first cut on Side Two, we are Undecided. It’s a good, solid record, very nice playing. Powell is in great form, particularly on the ballads. We can see why this is a collectible record. Plus the copy we have is in very nice shape. So here’s our decision: We are going to spare this record for now. We have plenty of other records to sell on eBay, so it will go on the shelf as a keeper, at least temporarily. But we may come back to this one again as we keep going through this Jazz Vinyl Countdown.

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  • Rudolf A. Flinterman

    earlier this year I went through the Roost label and sorted out (i.a.) this Powell album for sale on EBay. My considerations were other than musical. (the state of the art cover). I obtained a very good price. It went to Japan.
    I am now in the process of checking the 12″ PJ series starting with PJ 1. (not the 1200- series of 5 years earlier). There are some very nice surprises: stuff I had never played (Shank’s “New Groove”, the Carmell Jones albums, Clare Fisher, and Gerald Wilson: “Brass Bag” is refreshing.) For the time being, there are not many on the “out” list.
    Argo will follow soon. No idea how I will rate the Gonsalves.
    Anyway, it keeps one busy.

  • Bud Shank’s New Groove is a very fine album, with a distinctive cover ! And so is the Carmell Jones…IMO those records ARE collectible…if they were on Blue Note, they’d fetch high prices…But on PJ, only hardcore jazz fans like you (and me) are aware of their qualities…

  • Rudolf A. Flinterman

    they absolutely ARE. Delightful music, nice packaging/covers, interesting liner photos and good liners by (ornithologist) John William Hardy.
    I think this is the guy who later started Revelation Records.
    There are some nice re-issues too (Clifford Brown, Art Pepper, Gil Evans). The Art Pepper sextet “Picture of Heath” is a more artistic issue than the original “Playboys” with the bunny cover. I will keep them both.

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